Banyuls is the one of the most respected wine making area in France. Wine is made mainly from almost-raisined dark Grenache grapes grown on rocky, terraced vineyards where the Pyrenees run into the Mediterranean Sea.
Winemakers from this region employ all sorts of methods to trap their area’s sunshine in their wines unlike some put the young wine in large glass or barrels and leave them out in the hot sunshine to boil.
Creation of Banyuls French Red Wine winemakers from this area employing a complicated regime of moving it between barrels of different sizes and ages in order to preserve complexity in aroma and taste in the next step of aging, the vinegar is transferred to 220 liter casks for 12 months.
As a final result color of this wine can vary from light red to deep brown, usually with tasting notes like fresh walnuts, spice bread, beeswax, vanilla and liquorice. The conditions allow the wine to age prematurely and develop exceptional aromatic complexity, the same qualities are reflected in the vinegar.
Tasting Notes Of Banyuls
Before the tasting of Banyuls Red Wine, wine have to be aged in wooden barrels for at least for two and half years, but many producers of this sort of wine are prolonging the ageing process for many years in a purpose of making unique, treacly but yet balanced wines which are recommended by many fastidious palates as good combination with chocolate.